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Now downloading free:Agilent 5952-3933D 8104A 5A 8114A 15A Technical Data Jul72

Agilent 5952-3933D 8104A 5A 8114A 15A Technical Data Jul72 free download

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PRECISION HEWLET PACKARD POWER SUPPLIES n Low-Cost CaKbrator : ,' l Precision Lab StipgMy n High StabMy @@ference COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER NOTICE Copyright - Agilent Technologies, Inc. Reproduced with the permission of Agilent Technologies Inc. Agilent Technologies, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Agilent Technologies, Inc. is not liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material or data. Output voltage eccurecy of Models 6114A end 6115A is however. that the wpplv mey not be stable under eil load 0.025% (25Oppm) plus 1mV - for example, at 40 volts conditions when the output capacitor is disconnected). This output, the owxn voltege of Mcdel 6114A is eccurete feature is also useful when e specific application requires within il 1mV. This xcurecy is etteined after only five local load decoupling. minutes werrrwp, thus making these supplies especially suitable for application es portable calibrators. Remote Programming Models 6104A end 6105A (illustrated below) ere intended All four of these supplies ten be remote programmed by for applications where the supply is to be primarily remote means of XI external voltage or resistince; when retnote prqwmed. The output voltage control on these units resistance programmed, output voltage eccurecy is 0.01% is e ten-turn potentiometer; en optional three.digit Decadial plus the ecwrecy of the remote progremming resistor, and is available for improved resettability (Option 013). output current eccurecy is 0.25% plus the eccwecy of the remote prcgramming resistor. All four m&Is ten be also operated in autoseries, auto~parallel, and aut*tracking con. ,; `,, figurations. For computer controlled applications, these supplies we designed to be digitally programmed with the HP Model 694OA Multiprogrammer or 694lA Multiprogrammer Ex- tender. The table below indicates the Multiprogrammer out.

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